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IGPBS First Year Schedule

Fall Term

GIGP-500 First Year Research Rotations
GMTD-709 Molecular and Cellular Sciences Seminar Series*
GIGP-501 Molecular - Cell Biology I
GIGP-507 The Art of Scientific Presentation*
GIGP-509 Biostatistics*
GIGP-519 History and Philosophy of Science*

Winter Term

GIGP-500 First Year Research Rotations
GMTD-709 Molecular and Cellular Sciences Seminar Series*
GIGP-502 Molecular - Cell Biology II
GIGP-508 Ethics and Regulatory Issues in Biomedical Research*

Spring Term

GIGP-500 First Year Research Rotations
GMTD-709 Molecular and Cellular Sciences Seminar Series*
GIGP-503 Systems Lectures

Electives (students must choose one or more of the following)

  • GIGP-505 Cell & Molecular Developmental Biology
  • GIGP-506 Systems Physiology
  • GIGP-512 Neuroscience Elective and
    GIGP-516 Physiology for Pharmacology & Neuroscience Research

Summer Term

GIGP-500 Research Rotation (with final proposed mentor) 
GIGP-518 Writing Skills*

*Combined Degree Students are required to complete this course in addition to their departmental requirements. 

(Please note that interim breaks do not apply to SGPS study.)