A strong, diverse community with a long history of inclusion.
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Welcome to the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at ÎÞÂëȺ½» of Medicine and Science. We seek a diverse and inclusive community of students, faculty, and staff that are committed to excellence in medical and healthcare education.
In order to address equity in healthcare, we must provide equitable educational opportunities for our future healthcare professionals. Here at ÎÞÂëȺ½», we are committed to doing just that. From recruiting a diverse student body, to promoting inclusive teaching practices in the classroom, RFU is committed to inclusive excellence in healthcare education.
Here at RFU, diversity is not limited to only race and ethnicity. Diversity encompasses the broad spectrum of our existence to include gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, first-generation status and demographic diversity. Our goal is that you are able to enjoy all that ÎÞÂëȺ½» of Medicine and Science has to offer.